Handling of personal data
Falkenbergs Båtsällskap is a non-profit association based in Falkenberg. We care about your personal data and handle it in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation. You can read more about it here.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is designed to prevent your privacy from being violated by the processing of personal data. Your personal data may only be processed if you have given your consent or if it is based on the General Data Protection Regulation or other law.
What is personal data?
Personal data is data that can be linked to your person in one way or another. This could be your name or social security number, but also your property code or phone number. If you are in a photo or video and it is clear that the person is you, then this is also a type of personal data.
Why do we process your personal data?
We process your personal data only for specific and explicitly stated purposes, such as sending newsletters with information about what is happening in Falkenberg. When collecting information, we always ensure that we have your consent or are supported by one of the legal requirements set out in the General Data Protection Regulation link to another website.
In the vast majority of cases, we process your personal data after asking for your consent to process your personal data.
It can also be based on a contract or due to requirements in other legislation, such as the Accounting Act or the Tax Act.
Processing of personal data
“Processing” is a broad term. According to the legislation, collection, recording, dissemination and processing are some examples of processing of personal data. Destination Falkenberg processes your personal data lawfully. In cases where we request consent, you can withdraw this consent. Personal data processing that is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or for compliance with a legal obligation is allowed without consent. We keep your personal data for as long as necessary for the purpose of the processing. In some cases, we have to comply with archiving or other laws, which means that we cannot delete data. This may mean that data that has been deleted from one system because it is no longer necessary may remain in another system where the personal data is still needed.
How do we process your personal data?
Your personal data is available to those who need it to perform tasks or services within or for the association.
We may also disclose your personal data to a requester of public documents. We do this on the basis of Chapter 2 of the Freedom of the Press Act.
In some cases, we use a processor to handle your personal data. A data processor can be, for example, a system provider who needs access to our systems for support. The assistant processes your data on the same terms as we at Falkenbergs Båtsällskap.
We will not use your personal data for anything other than the original purpose without first informing you.
Who is responsible for your personal data?
The Board of Directors is responsible for matters that fall within the company’s area of activity. When Falkenbergs Båtsällskap has registered your personal data, the association’s board is responsible for ensuring that your data is processed in a legal, correct and transparent manner.
How can we access your personal data?
We get access to your personal data when:
You provide information to us and we collect information about you when, for example, you send us an email, sign up for a newsletter or interact on our social media.
In some cases, we need to collect your personal data to perform obligations required by law. This means that we collect data from, for example, the population register at the Swedish Tax Agency.
How long do we keep your personal data?
We keep your personal data for as long as we need it to fulfill the intended purpose. In some cases, we may need to keep your data longer than that. We do this in accordance with the rules on public documents in the Freedom of the Press Act, the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act or the Archives Act. How long we keep your personal data depends on the purpose for which the data was collected.
Your rights
In most cases, you have the right to be informed that we have started processing your personal data and why we are doing so. You also have the right to receive, free of charge, information on whether your personal data is being processed by us and, if so, which data. You have to write to us yourself and ask for this information. You have the right to receive a reply within one month. We also need to verify that you are who you say you are.
You have the right to request the deletion, completion or rectification of your data.
Contact us:
E-mail: webadmin@falkenbergs-batsallskap.se
Tel: 0346-84124
Even if you withdraw your consent and the processing based on the consent ceases, the personal data may still be retained by us for other purposes, such as compliance with other laws, with which we are obliged to comply. Anyone who believes that a company is violating the General Data Protection Regulation or other privacy legislation can contact the Swedish Data Protection Authority.
If you think we are breaking the rules
If you think Falkenbergs Båtsällskap is breaking the rules for personal data processing, please contact the board in the first instance via: fbgbs1@gmail.com
If, after contacting the association, you still think we are processing your data incorrectly, you can contact the Data Protection Authority. You can reach the Data Protection Authority on 08-657 61 00.