Berth managers
Tom Bengtsson
076-855 23 62
Leif Mårtensson
076-141 72 35
Berth manager
for the summer and
winter berths.
Please contact us if you have any questions about moorings.
The allocation of moorings changes all the time. Boats are sold and disposed of, so the situation is constantly changing. During the season there are approx. 20-30 berths change hands and new boat owners are given the opportunity to berth. We currently have a queue, but this can change quickly.
Become a member and apply for a berth, and we will process your application in turn.
Mooring rules
Adopted by the Executive Board 2016 02 15
1. boat size
The club’s piers are intended for mooring recreational boats.
2. queuing system
The cooling list applies to both new moorings and changes of mooring. Changing your berth gives you priority in the queue. The club reserves the right to allocate and possibly reallocate moorings in order to make the most efficient use of them.
3. mooring
Only fully seaworthy and insured boats may moor at the club’s docks. Fenders should always be laid out. Moorings should always be designed to withstand severe weather conditions.
4. Fees
The mooring fees are decided at the annual meeting. The fee is charged on 1.3 and must be paid by 31.3 and covers the period 1.4 to 15.11. If the fee is not paid on time, the right to the mooring is forfeited. The mooring may not be sublet. If this happens, the berth is forfeited. A berth that is temporarily vacant (during holidays and the like) is used as a guest berth and is marked with a green vacancy sign by the boat owner.
5. Termination of a berth
Notice of termination of a berth must be given to the berth manager. This must be done as soon as it is known, but no later than March 1. If this is not done, it is assumed that the site will be used in the coming season and a charge will be made.
6. launching and recovery arranged by the FBS
The timing of the launch and recovery is decided at the annual meeting. If someone wants to launch or retrieve the boat at another time, they must make their own arrangements. All boats must be on land by November 15.
7. Boat mooring
Boats may only be moored on the club’s land in a place designated by the mooring manager. Cradles and pallets can be stored in the summer in the designated area. A separate charge is made for summer storage and the removal and restoration of cradles and pallets. Carts and palletizing materials must be marked with the owner’s name and telephone number. Leftover cradle and pallet material that for various reasons is not to be used is transported away by the boat owner. The boat owner shall participate in the joint preparation of the boat after launching and before launching. Masters can be stored for the winter in a designated area.
8. Electricity
The club’s piers are equipped with electrical outlets. Boat owners may use these for battery charging or electrically powered machines for work on the boat. It is forbidden to use electric heaters or other large electricity consumers. Electrical cables shall not be connected to electrical outlets when the boat is on land, except when work is being done on the boat during the day. If there are reasons to use electricity in addition to the above, an electricity meter can be rented by the club and the electricity used will be charged to the boat owner. Summer electricity at the jetty can also be allowed after notification to the boat site manager and will be charged to the boat owner.
9. Work effort
A member who uses the club’s moorings shall perform an annual personal work effort to an extent determined by the annual meeting. The AGM also decides on penalties for members who have not fulfilled their duties.
The work is carried out primarily by attending the days set at the annual meeting for cleaning and putting up/taking down barriers. The work can also be completed through participation in on-call activities. The work should be documented in a binder in the clubhouse.
10. responsibility of the club
The boating club is responsible for keeping the docks in good condition from the time of the club’s launch to the time of boat removal.