General information

Rules of conduct regarding the association's area, equipment and materials

Adopted by the Management Board 2016 04 05

1. introduction
Falkenbergs Båtsällskap is a non-profit association for boat owners and for people who want to practice boating. The society leases land and water on the southern side of the river Ätrans from Falkenberg municipality for its activities. The area offers moorings at piers and land for the winter storage of members’ boats, as well as boathouses and pitches for mobile homes. There is also a service facility with clubhouse, storage, mast shed, environmental station, service bridge, mast crane and Sublift. Members are entitled to use the club’s services, premises and equipment, subject to the club’s statutes and rules of conduct. These rules have been added to ensure that we have a tidy port area and that launching and recovery can be done as smoothly as possible and that the club’s costs for operation and maintenance of the business can be minimized. The Management Board establishes these rules and is entitled to grant exceptions to them. As a member of Falkenbergs Båtsällskap, I take note of the association’s adopted environmental policy and undertake to follow the procedures, instructions and recommendations the association has to minimize the environmental impact of our activities.
2. General rules of conduct
In all traffic within the Port of Falkenberg’s area, boat owners must observe the port’s speed regulations with a maximum speed of no more than 5 knots and otherwise show caution and facilitate commercial traffic. The area shall be kept tidy and well maintained. Boat owners/members who in one way or another use the club’s harbor area, equipment or material are obliged to respect the special regulations that the board may issue from case to case. Each boat owner must clean up and tidy the work area after completion of the work and comply with applicable environmental requirements. Members bringing children or dogs to the area must supervise them as the area is unsuitable as a playground or rest area. The boat owner is responsible for ensuring that the boat owner’s guests comply with the rules of conduct where applicable. No open fire or burning of paint with an open flame is allowed in the area except by special permission and in a designated area.
3. work effort
Members who use the club’s moorings at piers shall perform an annual work effort to an extent determined by the annual meeting. The AGM also decides on penalties for members who have not fulfilled their duties. The work is carried out primarily by attending the days set at the annual meeting for cleaning and putting up/taking down barriers. The work can also be completed through participation in on-call activities.
The work should be documented in a binder in the clubhouse.
4. Fees
All club fees must be paid by the due date. If the fee is not paid in due time, the berth agreement is considered canceled and the company is entitled to dispose of the boat and the boat owner’s equipment after three months at the boat owner’s expense.

5. Insurance

Boat owners who use the club’s harbor or service facilities such as launching ramp, mast crane, mooring area, etc. must have a valid liability insurance for the boat. Boat owners who use the Sub-lift for launching/launching must have valid full insurance for the boat.

6. clubhouse

The club has a clubhouse with an office, an assembly hall with a kitchenette and rooms for marina activities. The board is responsible for the use of the clubhouse. Members can rent the premises for meetings with permission. The housing group is responsible for renting the premises.
A member can obtain a key to the clubhouse from the mooring manager on payment of a deposit.
All premises must be locked and alarmed at all times when no one is on the premises. The last person to leave the premises ensures that the doors and windows are locked, the alarm is on and the lights are off.
The premises and kitchenette must be left in a clean condition with dishes washed, stove and sink wiped and garbage emptied. Smoking is not allowed on the premises.

7. The port area
7.1. Locking etc.
Some piers are enclosed and accessed via locked gates.
Keys can be signed out at the boat site manager.

7.2. Surveillance

The member shall contribute to the prevention of boat crime and vandalism in the same way as in neighborhood watch projects.

7.3. Dumpster, waste oil and used batteries

The club has its own recycling station on the site. Both combustible and non-combustible materials resulting from boat maintenance may be disposed of in different bins. Waste oils must be emptied into a special container at the waste disposal station. Used batteries of all types are placed in a specially marked collection box. Oil and fuel filters shall be placed in a separate container.
It is forbidden to put in garbage and garden waste etc. from home.

7.4. Toilets

Toilets are located in the clubhouse.
Members using the premises shall leave the toilet in the same condition as they would wish to find their own toilet at home. The toilets on the outside open with a code. During the summer months, the club also provides a toilet vacuum for boat toilets and emptying facilities for camper vans.

8. Berth or mooring placeBoat owners
who use the company’s services have thereby entered into an agreement with the company with contractual conditions according to these rules.8.1. Eligibility for a berth or mooring.
Seats are limited and are subject to availability. k. “queue list” is applied. The berth may not be rented in
second hand and non-transferable. Abuse will result in the loss of the member’s right to a seat. Boat owners/members who are not going to use their berth or mooring must terminate it no later than March 1 – for a mooring – or September 1 – for a winter berth. If notice is given after this date, the boat owner is bound to the site for another year and must pay the established fees even if the site is not used. Change of boat and change of ownership must be notified to the Society as soon as possible.
8.2 Rules for mooring
Berths are allocated from year to year by the Berth Manager, taking into account that the interests of the Society take precedence over those of its members. The site is therefore not personal, even after several years of use. The berth is valid from the date of launching and at the latest until
November 15. Only fully seaworthy and insured boats may moor at the Society’s piers. Fenders should always be laid out. Moorings shall be designed to withstand severe weather conditions.
In order for the land area inside the dock to look tidy, the mooring holders must ensure the necessary cleaning of the area and also, if necessary, cut grass and keep any flower beds free of weeds.

8.3. Rules for boat moorings

Only members are eligible for winter storage and members with a mooring have priority for winter storage. The mooring manager allocates winter storage space to members upon application. No member can claim a right to a special place in the installation. The mooring manager, depending on the time of pick-up and the size of the boat, has to decide on the mooring location. When picking up the boat, each boat owner is responsible for placing the cradle/boat according to the instructions of the boat site manager.
Given the risk of fire and the possibility of transporting the boat from the mooring site
sufficient space shall be left between parking places. Fire lanes with
the required width shall be provided. A member with a mooring place is obliged to participate in the work to prepare the land area after any damage caused by the mooring or removal of the member’s boat, if the boat is to be moored on land during the summer season, the period 15.5 – 15.9,
authorization shall be sought from the Board.

8.4. Pole shed

A member with a sailboat that has a berth or winter storage space may store masts in the mast shed. Before being placed in the shed, spreaders must be dismantled and standing and moving cargo must be inspected.
The masts must be marked with the owner’s name and address in order to be stored in the shed.

8.5. Boat covers, scaffolding, trestles

Each boat owner is responsible for ensuring that pallet jacks and similar devices comply with
reasonable security requirements. Covering of the boat shall be arranged so as not to cause damage.
on other property in the area.
For sailboats with masts on during winter storage, extra stowage shall be provided.
During the summer months, scaffolding, trestles, etc. must be stored in the designated place, tied together and marked with a name or telephone number. After launching, the mooring site must be cleared and cleaned as soon as possible. If not, there is a risk that the material and other debris will be transported away.

8.6. El

All members with a boat are entitled to electricity at no additional cost for the use of handheld machines and lights. In case of electric heating for e.g. ex. drying of the interior of the boat, comfortable working temperature when repairing and building boats, and major renovation and repair work, special permission must be sought from the Port Section and a special electricity meter must be connected. The Society is responsible for connecting the electricity meter or calculating electricity consumption at a certain cost that each member pays extra.
No cables can be left in socket boxes in winter without special permission.
Summer electricity at the pier can be obtained for a special fee.
It is absolutely forbidden (according to current electricity legislation) to interfere with
the club’s electrical installations.

8.7. Water

Club members have the right to use water to refit their boat. There are a number of water points with standard connections at the piers in the area. No changes shall be made to the hose couplings or to the outlets. Always ensure that the water is turned off after using a hydrant. In case of failure, the Port Section should be contacted.

9. equipment and supplies
9.1. Mast crane
Mast cranes are used at the users’ own risk. Respect the specified maximum load. Users shall check that there are no defects on the crane that could compromise safety. If errors are detected, they should be reported to the Port Section.
Masts shall not be permanently erected at the masthead area. They shall be placed in the designated area immediately after being marked.
9.2 Launching ramp
A member with a mooring is entitled to use the company’s ramps for launching and retrieving without charge. Members without a dock and non-members are subject to the established fee. Short-term parking of trailers shall take place in a designated area.

10. Launching and recovery

Pick-up and launching by Sublift is subject to fixed times and booking according to the booking list. Lifting and launching at other times is subject to an additional charge.
Launch and recovery dates are set by the annual meeting. The boat owner is obliged to help with launching and retrieving the boat. When launching or picking up the boat, the boat owner must arrive on time, have the boat in the designated place and have pallet jacks, carts and other materials available and in working order.
Members who wish to launch or take up their boat and place cradles/trailers in the area on their own must notify the Boatyard Manager at least one week in advance.

Falkenbergs Båtsällskap uses a Sub-Lift, which is very flexible and agile. With it we take boats up to about 40 feet and 10 tons. Launching and picking up is done via a ramp that the Sub-Lift drives down and in this way it is safe and controlled.

It is also very convenient in case of damage and breakdowns as it is quick to get a boat up and the boat can remain in the sublift for any minor repairs during the season. season.

The sublift is manned by 6 drivers who run on a schedule during loading and unloading from April-May and October-November.

In recent years, more and more members have switched to placing the boat on stanchions instead of carts and cradles, which means that a lift takes about two hours. 20-40 minutes.

11. Boats at piers.

11.1. For boats launched in our area, the following apply
When launching, leave the launching area closest to the crane as soon as possible. Temporary mooring at piers may be done in agreement with the Berth Manager. A member who does not have a berth may stay at a free berth for a maximum of two weeks before launching and two weeks after launching. This time will be charged according to the fees set by the Society. Permission must then be obtained from the mooring manager.

11.2. Marking a boat

When launching or picking up the boat and when at the dock, the boat must be marked with the company’s sticker with the berth number. Members who regularly use the ramp should have a sticker on the boat.

11.3. Guest house activities

During the summer months, the club operates a marina and mobile home sites, which are of great importance to the society’s finances. If the mooring holder is absent from his/her own mooring for more than two nights, he/she must mark it with a green sign so that it can be used in the company’s guest harbor activities.
12th floor.
Only mooring holders can rent and lease land for boathouses.
All sheds must be in accordance with approved drawings and current building permits.
All sheds must not be used for anything other than boathouses, i.e. storage of tools and materials. No fixed electrical installation is allowed. No heaters or open flames are allowed in the boathouse. Only very temporarily may an extension cord be connected between the electrical cabinet on the dock and the boathouse.
For leased boathouses, the owner must pay for the manufacture/purchase and installation of the booth. The ground shall be maintained so as to preserve a uniform appearance.

13. boats
13.1 Safety boat.
The boat is used as a safety boat in immediate connection with, for example, ongoing sailing school, in connection with racing or as a safety boat in connection with other activities decided at the annual meeting / board meeting, such as participation in “boat day” or the like. The boat is also used by the Port Section for repairs/maintenance. Furthermore, the boat can/should be used for rescue and security “missions”. The boats are not for rental or private use.
14. breach of rules
If the boat owner seriously violates these rules, the boat society is entitled to terminate the agreement on the rental of a mooring with immediate effect and to take, at the boat owner’s expense, any measures that may be required as a result of the incident.
The question of membership is examined in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes.
Drug policy for Falkenberg Boat Society
Båtsällskap is a non-profit and public benefit association that promotes sport, community, camaraderie and good social education. It is important to us that our children and young people develop in sport and good fellowship. How we adults and leaders act towards our children and young people is important in this development. A part of this work is to have a drug policy where the society’s common rules serve as guidelines and support for everyone in the society.Approach TOBACCO:
Age limit 18 years, according to Swedish law.
We do not allow our young people under the age of 18 to use tobacco in the society’s organized activities.
If we were to discover that our young people under 18 were using tobacco, we would proceed as follows:
– Discussion with the person concerned and contact with the parents.
These rules are the responsibility of: young people, parents and leaders.As a youth worker and adult, it is important to be aware of your responsibilities and to be a role model for young people. During the society’s organized activities with young people, leaders should refrain from using tobacco.Conduct ALCOHOL: The age limit is 18 years for the purchase of beer and 20 years for the purchase of beer in the supermarket, we do not allow our young people under 18 years to drink alcohol. If we discover that one of our young people has been drinking alcohol, we do the following:- Talk to the person concerned and contact their parents.
– If we suspect major problems, we contact the social authorities.
These rules are the responsibility of: young people, parents and leaders.
As a youth leader and adult, it is important to think about your responsibilities and to be a role model for the young people.- You must not drink alcohol during trips, camps or other activities organized by the association where young people participate.- You must not come drunk to training, competitions or when representing the association. You must not drink alcohol, let alone appear drunk in the Society’s clothing.At parties where alcohol may be present, parents must approve the participation of the young people or the presence of a guardian.If we suspect an alcohol problem with one of the Society’s leaders and/or elected representatives, we proceed as follows:
– One-to-one conversation.
– Offers help and support.
– If none of the above helps, the mandate may be withdrawn from the person concerned.
The responsibility for ensuring that these rules are followed lies primarily with the society’s board of directors.Behavior NARCOTICS & DOPING PREPARATIONS:Falkenbergs Båtsällskap does not under any circumstances allow any of the society’s members to use drugs or doping preparations,
If we discover that one of our members is using drugs or doping substances, the Society will act as follows:- Immediately talk to the person concerned. If the person concerned is a young person, the guardian is also contacted.
– Contact is also made with social authorities and the police.
– Contacting the national federation (applies only to doping): on the basis of these discussions, the club decides on the consequences for the person concerned in the interests of the Society.
Compliance with these rules is primarily the responsibility of the Society’s Board of Directors. This drug policy shall be posted on the club’s website and notice board and every member shall be informed of this policy. Personal information for new recruits and reminders in connection with positions of trust as leaders or other matters within the Society.


